Mp3 Download song Samson Hammerhead FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Samson song lyrics

Samson - Hammerhead Lyrics

A story is told, that in Asgard of old,
Was a hammer of great might
By the furnace light in the depth of night
They cast an ingot bold.

Can you hear the hammerhead in the wind
Can you hear the hammerhead in the wind

They hammered and wrought and the rune spell caught
And engraved upon its shaft,
With a head of steel beneath which all men would kneel,
And would lay down the sword, at last.

Can you hear the hammerhead in the wind
Can you hear the hammerhead in the wind
They laid on the anvil, a steel cold bar,
Needed no fire nor file
But their sledgehammers following, like thunder rolled
And Sindre, sang runes by the fire.

Can you hear the hammerhead in the wind
Can you hear the hammerhead in the wi
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