Mp3 Download song Moist Place FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Moist song lyrics

Moist - Place Lyrics

jessy is calling out from space
says that she needs me
cant replace
she comes over rips me open
just to see my special place

now she is calling out for light
hoping the wings
of freedom will arrive
she comes over
touches down here
right before my eyes
kills forever knowing full well we
will all get by
she comes over rips me open
just to see my
special little place

sorry i gave back
salt tasted
lightly wasted
here i give back
all of the words
and memories brought by
time came by
promises spoken by me

i didnt want
so much
to think about too much
to abide complain till its over
over and over again

jessy is calling out from space
hoping the sound of her voice
will erase me
she comes over
rips me open
right before my eyes
kills forever knowing full well we
will all get by
she comes over rips me open
just to see my
special little place
so sorry that you changed
but nothing stays the same
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